About the film

Seen the film is created by six, second year, Graphic design students from the Willem de Kooning Academy in Rotterdam. The short movie is a result of a group assignment. We looked at our interests in the group and soon realized that we had a common interest in internet culture and celebrities.

This interest made us question our fascination for these topics and what that says about us. We narrowed it down to influencers because it perfectly intersects both themes. While researching, we were forced to look at our online behavior as well. We were made aware of our own biases and struggles with social media. This showed how involved we unconsciously are in upholding the influencer culture. In the film, we want to shed a different light on influencer culture without standard criticism. It was also important to us to avoid cliches. It seems like no one can seriously discuss the topic, without ridiculing it. Often influencers are portrayed as shallow and even dumb. Our goal is to show the versatility of the characters, while simultaneously reflecting societies stereotypes on them.

Our film focuses on the collective rather than the individual, by doing so we make the underlying viscous cycle visible. Our point being that online you can never please everyone no matter what you do. Not fixating blame on a certain character but exposing the influences that go on behind the scenes. After all we are all complicit to up holding this system.


  • Project Manager: Richard Hausil
  • Writer 1: Esmé van den Broek
  • Writer 2: Sadie Girigorie
  • Director: Deborah Kreeft
  • Camera Man: Sebastiaan Ham
  • Editor 1: Richard Hausil
  • Editor 2: Mike Wagtelenberg
  • Editor 3: Donjae Kim
  • Campaign: Bobbie van Leeuwen
  • Lilly: Julia Stoffer
  • Christopher: Colin Zimmerman
  • Jack: Wouter Bakx